ProFirst Training
Professional Public Safety Training, Background Investigations, and Consulting

ProFirst Training
Professional Public Safety Training, Police Background Investigations and Consulting Services
ProFirst Training and Consulting is a comprehensive law enforcement service provider that offers training, police department background investigations, and consulting throughout the United States.
Training Offered
Background Investigations Course
Police Background Investigations are vital to the success of any department. Properly trained investigators reduce agency liability, ensure best applicant selection and help strengthen community trust.
This course is designed to teach the new and experienced police background investigator the techniques and legal aspects of conducting pre-employment background investigations to evaluate the applicant's suitability for employment. This course will also teach the student how to conduct and document a thorough background investigation. (24 hours)
Field Training Officer Course
This law enforcement training is offered for public safety officers who have recently been appointed as a Field Training Officer (FTO) or who plan on becoming an FTO. We teach the San Jose model of FTO training and we place a heavy emphasis on this instruction as we recognize that FTOs are considered first line supervisors, mentors and department leaders. (24 hours)
New Detective / Investigator Course
This course is designed for the new or recently assigned investigator, detective or plain clothes officer. It provides an initial orientation into the criminal investigator position and an introduction into the procedures for conducting an investigation. The topics include case management, crime scene examination, warrants, photo lineups and more. (24 hours)
This course is one of the most comprehensive physical surveillance training programs in the nation. The training is divided into both classroom training and field exercises. Law enforcement officers are often placed in a position that requires them to conduct physical surveillance, often with little to no training. This cannot only place them in a position that endangers their officer safety, but it can also jeopardize the investigation. We prepare the student to work in a team environment while conducting fixed and moving surveillance with a vehicle and while on foot. (24 hours)
Surveillance Training
Officer Safety Course
This scenario-based officer safety training course was designed to renew the survival mindset of both the new and the experienced law enforcement officer and to reduce agency liability. Through lecture, video demonstration, and reality-based scenario training, the officers will reinforce tactics to better prepare themselves for spontaneous attacks and officer safety threats during traffic stops, pedestrian contacts and arrests.